Saturday, June 27, 2015

A Tradition of Violence Toward Black Women

The Old Normal: A Tradition of Violence Toward Black Women

Racism and police brutality has been the theme for top new stories the last few years. In recent news a young black female teenager was slammed to the ground as the attendees who were at a pool party pulled their phones out and recorded the absurd scene. Why is that police officers can break the law but they are not held up to very law that they try to implement on others? Is it ethical for police officers to receive favoritism because of their role in society? Howard Henderson stated, “Historically speaking, violence toward Black women and girls is just as conventional in the U.S. as barbecue on the Fourth of July. Some might even argue that violence against Black women is more common than the Fourth of July as the holiday occurs only once a year” (Henderson 1). 

Howard Henderson. The Old Normal: A Tradition of Violence Toward Black Women. Retrieved June 27, 2015.
Rosenstand, Nina (2012-07-01). The Moral of the Story: An Introduction to Ethics, 7th edition (Page 548). McGraw-Hill Higher Education -A. Kindle Edition.

The Silence of the Law: The Charleston Church Gunman

The Silence of the Law: The Charleston Church Gunman

Our text alluded to many catastrophic events that have impacted the United States greatly. In recent news, nine people were gunned down and lost their lives while at church surrounding a hate crime. Writer Binoy Kampmark stated that “arguments about guns in the United States resemble forays into intense religious debate.  They are doctrinal issues (the “right” to bear arms; the entitlement to protection) that chatter through the various lobbies.  There are purely quibbling legal issues (what regulations are appropriate in terms of controlling access to guns).  There are the broader ethical issues (should people even have guns as a principle to begin with?” (Kampmark 1).  Each massacre posses concerns for the protection of the citizens and to whether certain laws needs tighter and stricter restrictions.

Binoy Kampmark. The Silence of the Law: The Charleston Church Gunman. Retrieved June 27, 2015 
Rosenstand, Nina (2012-07-01). The Moral of the Story: An Introduction to Ethics, 7th edition (Page 9). McGraw-Hill Higher Education -A. Kindle Edition.

How Social Media Savvy Can Help You Investigate Claims

How Social Media Savvy Can Help You Investigate Claims

Social Media has become the number one way for everyone across the world to communicate and share their thoughts, comments, photos, and much more. Claims Journal states that “the “#” symbol has taken on a whole new meaning with the ability to “hash tag” reference any word or phrase….such content can be an extremely important resource when handling and defending against personal injury claims and lawsuits. Lawyers and law firms will continue to apply current rules to the emerging trends in technology and social media in order to be able to search a plaintiff’s social media accounts and use social media in the court room” (Claims Journal). Unfortunately, numerous ethical concerns surround a lawyer having the ability to use a person’s personal information without his/her consent. Also another concern is privacy and relevancy of the data collected.

Claims Journal. “How Social Media Savvy Can Help You Investigate Claims”. Retrieved June 26, 2015

Rosenstand, Nina (2012-07-01). The Moral of the Story: An Introduction to Ethics, 7th edition (Page 137). McGraw-Hill Higher Education -A. Kindle Edition